White Cat (Curse Workers (Quality))

White Cat  - Holly Black You can also find my review at http://the-bookaholic.blogspot.comWhite Cat was mysterious and a compelling read. I loved the world that Holly Black created of Workers and the powers I learned about. It was like the Mafia meets Magick. Everything was very crafted and well-developed, and when I first delved into the story, I had high expectations-- having read Holly Black’s other works before. I wasn’t disappointed in the slightest. This tale was so unique, believable, and unlike anything I’ve read in recent years! I did have some small nitpicks. Personally, I decided that I like her Faerie tales better in conclusion of this. At times, I felt a little bored in parts of White Cat that made me skim a bit-- and I couldn’t quite connect with Lila as well as I would have liked. I loved Cassel’s character, though. His voice and personality was strong. Nonetheless, a fantastic read that I will be highly recommending. I look forward to continuing on with this series!4.5 stars!