Misguided Angel (Blue Blood Novels)

Misguided Angel (Blue Bloods, Book 5) - Melissa de la Cruz I don't always review everything for my blog, The Bookaholic, and this is one of them. Mostly because I started reading this series quite awhile before I even started my blog and it's not the newest book to the series (or the first book)- just number five out of the set. So, I figured I'd only review Misguided Angel just for fun on Goodreads and other book communities instead.I've been very grateful to my friend who originally got me started on this series a couple years ago. I was just a bit sad that I fell a little behind the last year and only now getting around to the fifth book when the newest was just released in October of 2011. Now I'm playing catch-up here. :P Misguided Angel was probably my favorite of the series so far. I admit that in the beginning there's a slight "Gossip Girl" or some other teen soap opera feel to it due to all the snazzy designer speak and cliques. But if one is to really focus beyond this quality and look into the story, I think you'll find something beautiful and unique-- that only grows and mesmerizes with each installment. The characters are fantastically developed with their own unique traits and I adore the mythos and backstory put into the whole Blue Bloods series. I felt that Misguided Angel stepped away from a lot of the glitz and glamour, allowing the reader to get more in-depth with a deeper story, a darker mystery that's been hidden behind the scenes. I loved that it felt more revolved around Mimi too in this installment and the reader gets to see even more into her character than before. I genuinely believe that Mimi isn't as cruel-hearted as she was made out to be in the beginning of the series. She has her moments though. The ending left me begging for more, more, more. I was sitting on the edge of my seat, gasping at the twists and revelations, and then practically biting my knuckles hoping for the best for everyone as the final outcome. Dang cliffhangers! :PThis definitely means that I need to get Lost in Time. Very soon.