Fated (Soul Seekers Series #1)

Fated (Soul Seekers Series #1) - DNF. But I'm counting it towards my reading challenge for the year because I read a little over 200 pages and still couldn't get into this one. The writing style was nice and descriptive, but everything was so slow. I didn't know what was going on half the time, and it's easily forgettable for me. I'd put it down after reading a few pages without the desire to pick it back up when I was ready to. This wasn't a good sign. I will not be reviewing this one on my blog, just making my notes here. The rich visuals that Noel provides through her descriptive writing is the only redeeming quality I could find about this book from what I've read. Well, that and the very pretty cover. A good chunk through and I still didn't seem to find enough story to grab my attention. Sad to say, I can't make myself finish this one. Maybe some other time in the future? The plot really is intriguing. It's just slow. Really appreciated that I won this through the LibraryThing First Reads giveaway from St. Martin's, but unfortunately it disappointed. I have a feeling someone else will enjoy it though.