The Hunt packs a punch from the beginning and takes you along for quite a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs, twists and turns, spirals and loops all throughout the book until the very last page. This was a major thrill ride for me. It was chaotic. In a completely good way. Vampires are back, and they’re not sparkly or pretty, or even the slightest bit romantic. They’re terrifying, and this is a world I so would not want to find myself in as a human. What I liked was the attention to detail and how the characters interacted. They had to blend in and survive, and through these ideas, they found ways. Some weren’t very lucky in this of course, but if you have the knowledge and know-how, it could be possible. I had expectations, and I wasn’t disappointed. My breath was held a few times, tensed on behalf of Gene. My only problem? I wanted to know what happened to the world that led to this…some semblance of a back story I mean, and I felt I didn’t get it. Was this a future dystopian Earth, or some kind of fantasy new-world all together? I didn’t have any sense of this and it was slightly confusing to be honest, but once I got past this and into the characters and storyline, I really loved it overall. I already can see the hype it’s building and would highly recommend it myself. This is an edge-of-your-seat action-packed read with some seriously awesome characters. The imagery is fantastic, the emotion is completely expressive and it will sweep you away. It’s fresh and original. I couldn’t stop reading. I’m hungry for more!