Sometimes sequels just don’t work out as well as we hoped, do they? My expectations with Crescendo fell a little short after reading the greatness of Hush, Hush. (A lot of my fellow blogger friends don't like this series, and I completely see their points on why, but it's a guilty pleasure for me and I enjoyed it. *shrugs*)I flew into this second book, admittedly putting it ahead of other books just because I couldn’t wait to read the installment, and I was let down a bit. The writing didn’t feel quite a solid this time around, and the characters felt different compared to the first. I still liked it to an extent, nonetheless. But my biggest complaint of all was the constant back-and-forth between Patch and Nora and the seemingly never-ending bantering. I did sympathize with Nora, but somehow couldn’t come to understand a lot of Patch’s actions--even once they were explained. I didn’t like Nora whining so much either. Ah well. I liked how there were some unanswered questions finally answered in this installment. We get to see how events occurred in the past that lead to Nora’s situation, and I found those moments interesting. Sometimes I felt like there’s a lot of information still missing though. All in all, while it was on the disappointing side, I still found myself liking Crescendo enough anyway to rush right through the pages.However, I don't think I'll ever finish this series simply because the characters have annoyed me so much from this point.