I was actually a bit wary to read Paranormalcy for a long while. It sounded cheesy, a bit too laughable just by reading the blurb and glancing at a couple of small passages here and there--so when I finally did pick it up, I went into it with some caution despite how many recommendations I had and the excellent reviews I’d read from other bloggers I trust opinions of. I’m sure glad I read it. It didn’t disappoint in the slightest bit! Evie is spunky and sassy… and the humor that was sprinkled throughout the narration was fun and witty. I had moments where I was reading and the time passed me by before I realized it. The characters were nicely detailed with each of their unique personalities. Really, I don’t have much complaint for this book other than I should go out and buy the second VERY soon. :P Paranormalcy was engaging, entertaining, and captivating!