You can also find my review on my blog, The Bookaholic, at http://the-bookaholic.blogspot.comWhile a bit on the shorter side of most novels that I’ve read recently, Life is But a Dream still packed quite a punch--most particularly in the astounding detail that author Brian James gives readers through the point of view of a schizophrenic character. In all honesty, I don’t know much about the mental disorder. I have an online friend whose husband is schizophrenic, but I personally couldn’t tell you much. I do know it can cause a stir among family and friends, strain relationships and make it slightly difficult at times depending on how severe or how well-treated the case is. I felt Brian James did a tremendous job of showing us how different and struggling it can be. I liked the character development, but moreso I loved the imagery and how much we get to see inside Sabrina’s head. The romance felt forced at times though. I would have liked to see more of it, get to know Alec better, but I also enjoyed the sweet and charming ending.All in all, this was engaging and unique. I was flipping through the pages and enjoying every bit of the beautiful and unusual details. Lyrical and sometimes poetic--the cover is even gorgeous, I adore it-- this is certainly a Contemporary I’m glad I took the time to read.4 stars!