
Arclight - Josin L. McQuein Arclight left me feeling for the most part satisfied. It was a highly anticipated read, and I’m glad to say I wasn’t as disappointed as I tend to end up getting whenever it comes to most books like this. I was drawn in from the start with the fast-paced action and unusual world. I did have a few nitpicks. Admittedly, it was confusing at times trying to figure out the Fades and the whole Dark/Gray thing. I also didn’t connect all the way with Marina, who just didn’t pop enough from the pages as a character for me. I wanted more backstory of this world and the characters though. I really enjoyed how hard of a time I had putting it down. I just wanted to keep reading to find out what happened next. The descriptions and writing and pace all flowed well--and while there were some slow areas, I began devouring it after a certain Fade character enters into the book (fascinating!). There were also twists that pleasantly surprised me, which is hard to do in a lot of books nowadays so I was glad to get that. This was a memorable read for me, the world and unique story. I look forward to the next and more work from McQuein!3.5 stars